Parasara Muni, a great sage and the father of Vyasadeva, who compiled all the Vedic literatures, gave the following definition of God in Vishnu Puran-
ऐश्वर्यस्य समग्रस्य वीर्यस्य यशसः श्रियः।
ज्ञान-वैराग्ययोश्चैव षण्णां भग इतीरणा॥
Bhagavan means one who possesses these six opulences in full i.e. unlimitedly:
all Riches, all Strength, all Fame, all Wisdom, all Beauty, all Renunciation”. This is a very simple but comprehensive definition of God or Bhagavan. In fact, the etymological meaning of the word Bhagavan is “one who possesses all opulences” (bhaga – opulences; van – one who possesses).
It is a fact that anyone who possesses any one of the above mentioned six opulences to even some extent, becomes attractive in this world. And according to the definition of God given in the Vishnu Purana, since God possesses all these opulences in full, He must be the ALL attractive person. ALL means Unlimited, Infinite.
Thus, if God can be given any name at all, it must be “All attractive”. In Sanskrit, the word for all attractive is “Krishna”. Hence, Krishna is the prime name for the Supreme Lord, although He may have many names like Ram, Narsingh, Narayan, Vasudev etc.
Krishna declares in the Gita, “aham sarvasya prabhavo, matthah sarvam pravarthathe – I am the source of everything and everything emanates from Me.” Thus the entire material creation along with all its planets and riches belong to the Supreme Lord Krishna. As such no one can equal the richness of Krishna since everything belongs to Him. And as far as the strength of Krishna is concerned, He demonstrated superhuman acts such as the lifting of the Goverdhan Hill and killing of Puthana and other demons even as a child. No one in history could ever match His strength. Further, Krishna’s fame is spread all over the world. People in every part of the world know about Krishna, even 5000 years after He wound up His pastimes on this planet. Thus His fame outstrips that of any other.
Thus, we should not be fooled by anyone calling himself 'God' if he is lacking ANY of these qualities.