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The objectives of performing this shradh are to provide momentum for the onward journey to the unidentified from the family or souls that have had a bad life after death and also those tormenting family members. In other words, to assist souls entrapped on the earth, in space or in the Nether region attain Moksha. The other shradhs performed are for a particular individual or are restricted to three generations of pitars, namely, the father, grandfather and the great-grandfather. This shradh, in contrast, appeases the pitars from generations preceding even these. Every family should perform this rite every twelve years. If the horoscope of an individual shows pitrudosha (Defects arising from pitars on father’s side), then to eliminate it the individual should perform this rite even when the parents are alive.

Our service:

Shradh will be performed at Prayag or Kashi on the bank of Ganga so devotees has to come here. 

Once the booking is made we will call you and co-ordinate. 



Tripindi Shradh

SKU: 0024
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